About Games Development
I was trying to explain how do I do the "virtual world" of "The Game" to my girlfriend. It is something difficult to do before the person starts to sleep, primary if this person don't knows nothing about programing.
I'm writing this article exactly to find a way to explain objects, methods, 3 dimensional arrays and stuff. Not a simple quest! So, let's try it:
Imagine a virtual cube subdivided by smaller cubes. This cube is the game's skeleton, for instance, each small cube can be an element like iron or oxygen, each one with it's place inside the cube and it's "chemical-physical" methods (functions) interactions would rule this cube dynamics.
Now, usually this kind of cube at molecular level interactions is not what we use for a game, instead of molecules we use bigger things like logs of wood, a wall, a horse and so on. Some objects can move or be moved to other "empty" cubes, be used, be destroyed/created, have value, strength, weight and other things like even store smaller objects.
How one cube can look like |
So, every small cube now can be used to construct our world as an Object in a given place and even interact with the cubes around at its top, hear, front, sides, bellow.
Basic 2D Top Game View |
So, looking at the game interface above, the wood log would occupy 2x3 cubes so I have 6 points of action or interaction on this case. The house door as you can see is 2x2 cubes and each house window is 1x1 cube.
As they are objects, We can change how they look like as: Window 1 = State.broken. This command would make the first window from left to right appear broken.
Let's take a look at a more advanced pseudo 3D games interfaces and see if you can manage to see this cubes (objects).
Multi-Player Role-Playing Pseudo 3D Interface game |
"It's like building a world with Lego. This is the best game coding explanation I can give"
By Mr.String Buffer
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