Starting the new game

I've decided to log my little free time doing a pseudo 3D pure HTML5 multi-player role-playing game. Something based on Browser Quest but completely new, addicting and exciting.

List of ToDo's (will be continued updated)
1. Brainstorm: DONE
2. Project Plan: DONE
3. Project Mission Board (with tasks): DONE
4. Game's History and Script: ON
5. World Design: ON
6. Objects Design: ON
7. Beta Version Release: ON HOLD
8. Alpha Version Release: ON HOLD

The New Stuff
I will not loose my time giving names for the game now since I don't want to close the development creativity into a label box. 
1. A huge world with great graphics and a great interaction with objects, animals and players;
2. Up to 1,000 deeds;
3. Profile editor (make your player UNIQUE);
4. Learn how to do new things and gain powers;
5. Huge set of tools and weapons;
6. Build, Buy or Get your own house and objects;
7. Up your level till 500. Years of fun!

This post will keep being updated with the new interactions and in a short time - a beta version.



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