Thinking about Equilibrium

I don't know if you do some kind of meditation, hypnosis or other mindfulness strategy, but I do. So, let's talk about it. 

Thinking is what our mind does - all the time - and if our brain chemistry is not right, you may have problems or be extremely contained and happy. Yes, all this feelings stuff is triggered by the primate functions areas as the amygdala, psychological disorders, hypothalamus, long-term memory and so on.

So, our behaviour is predisposed by our brain's capacity to "filter" bad feelings. How much? It depends on you, your life learning, reasoning, logic and self-control skills. 

When you see a Tiger, your pupils dilate - your digestive system shut down - your heart accelerates - adrenaline flows thru your vanes. This is very smart of our brain so it prepares us to escape, freeze or deal with the problem

BUT, how many tigers do you see in a day?

I bet that is you don't live near a jungle or a place with wild beasts around, none - maybe one in a movie, museum or zoo as all the other natural predators. If not, are you content and happy with your life? (I bet you are more connected than who lives in a city). If yes, you can say: -"Hey, I do have biggest problems that are not animals related in my life pal". Like what? Hurricanes? Tsunamis? Volcanic Activity? High-Level Earthquakes? 

What on earth can be worst than the certain really bad wound or death? Your bills? If it is, you will have a lot of waste time to be rusling with it. So, if is not a beast, a vehicle or something terrible coming right now at your direction in a way that if you do nothing it will take your life - what is the point?

What I mean is

"Deal with your problems on their time, use the rest to connect with yourself"

Connecting with yourself is to be doing something you enjoy without thinking about any problems or bad thoughts. Anything but doing something extremely positive to us. Okay, let's see a normal person day:
6 Hours working (so, choose one you feel great doing it);
2 Hours Relaxing (Doing Your Stuff*);
8 Hours Sleeping (some people just need 6 or 4. Please add to the Relaxing hours).

Doing Your Stuff
Doing our stuff is so simple! We can walk, drive, meditate, do sports, read, write, interact with other humans or anything you like.

Escape, Freeze or Deal With It
If you see something you never saw before coming at your direction you will do one of those three choices and with directed brain exercises we can always opt in to more Deal With It and less Scape - do never Freeze.


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